Epic Ski Photography in the Arctic Circle with SIGMA Zoom Lenses

On assignment in Norway, photographer Liam Doran takes three SIGMA zoom lenses to capture ski action with a majestic backdrop of mountains, forests and icy fjords. Learn more about his gear of choice, and how he was able to shoot some of his most epic images!

A Norwegian Travel Adventure with SIGMA I series Lenses

If you want to shoot with razor sharp primes but still travel light, SIGMA I series lenses are the way to go! SIGMA Ambassador Liam Doran took the 20mm, 35mm and 65mm F2 DG DN | Contemporary to Norway, and found them to be just the right size for capturing a big-time adventure.

Exploring Black and White Photography with SIGMA I series Lenses

Getting out of your comfort zone is a great exercise for photographers, and for SIGMA Ambassador Heather Larkin, exploring a big city entirely in black and white is about as far from the norm as it gets. See how Heather put a trio of ultra-portable SIGMA I series prime lenses to use on her first trip to New York City.

Photographing Disc Dog at the Beach with the SIGMA 150-600mm DG DN OS Sports Lens

Few things move faster than a dog playing fetch, and if you’re trying to take photos of “disc dog” in motion, you need a lens that can keep up. The SIGMA 150-600mm DG DN OS | Sports is just that lens, with the range and performance required to catch all the action!

Hit the Streets with the SIGMA 20mm F2 DG DN Contemporary Lens

Street photography is something that anyone can do, but not everyone has tried. With a 20mm F2 DG DN | Contemporary by his side, SIGMA Ambassador Jim Koepnick shows how one lens and a little creativity is all you need to hit the streets and make art out of your everyday surroundings.

The Limitless Versatility of the SIGMA 150-600mm DG DN OS Sports Lens

Telephoto zoom lenses are great for capturing far-off subjects, but the incredibly versatile range of the SIGMA 150-600mm DG DN OS | Sports lens can capture things that are near, far, and everywhere in between. SIGMA Ambassador Martina Abreu shows how this extremely robust lens, designed exclusively for mirrorless cameras, is a truly powerful tool for photographers in nearly any situation.

First Look: SIGMA 20mm F2 DG DN Contemporary Lens

The SIGMA 20mm F2 DG DN | Contemporary is the widest lens in the all-metal I series, perfect for astrophotography, landscapes, everyday snapshots, street scenes, vlogging, and so much more.

Weathering Winter Conditions with the SIGMA 150-600mm DG DN OS Sports Lens

Photographing landscapes and wildlife in the midst of a Colorado winter isn’t for the faint of heart, but photographer Darren White – along with the super-versatile SIGMA 150-600mm DG DN OS | Sports lens – shows how an adventurous spirit and reliable gear can lead to amazing images.

Astrophotography with the SIGMA 150-600mm DG DN OS Sports Lens

Amateur astronomer and observatory manager Grant Tandy has always had his eye toward the sky, and with the SIGMA 150-600mm DG DN OS | Sports lens, he captures beautiful images of celestial scenes from the crystal clear skies of central Oregon.

One Year Creating Portraits With the SIGMA 85mm F1.4 DG DN Art Lens

Photographer Keydrin Franklin is known for his vibrant portrait work, and after owning the lens for over a year, the SIGMA 85mm F1.4 DG DN | Art has become one of his favorite photographic tools to help make his vision into reality.