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Since 1961, SIGMA has worked towards a single, simple goal: to imagine and develop the technologies that will allow the attainment of the perfect image. In addition, we do our best to provide photographers with the information and inspiration they need to bring their creative endeavors to the next level.

50mm F1.4 DG HSM | A review by Marc Lebryk

A fantastic hands-on account of the new 50mm F1.4 DG HSM | A from Marc Lebryk.

Sigma 150-500mm Camera Lens Info

Tried and true comes to mind when thinking about the Sigma 150-500mm APO F5-6.3 DG HSM OS. A staple in Sigma’s lineup, it’s ideal for all sorts of photography but truly excelling in nature photography, wildlife photography and sports photography.…

Recent Reviews Roundup

Top publication such as Shutterbug, Examiner, PC Magazine, CNET, Popular Photography, Gizmodo and others review Sigma lenses and photography equipment including the Sigma 18-35mm 1.8, the Sigma 35mm 1.4, the Sigma 120-300mm 2.8 and much more.

Sigma Global Vision Product Lines Concept Video

The Contemporary, Art, and Sports lens lines of the new Sigma Global Vision are guided by a design philosophy from conception through execution. Three premium lens lines with the express purpose of complementing photographers’ vision.

An Interview with Sigma CEO Kazuto Yamaki

In a rare interview at this year’s CES show, Sigma’s CEO, Mr. Kazuto Yamaki shares his vision for Sigma today and moving into the future as well as the inspiration behind his newly introduced Global Vision and the products that give meaning to that vision. Learn about how quality continues to define Sigma’s product line with no exception. Mr. Yamaki is warm and open and lets us know just how personal his work is to him.

A Look Inside our Aizu Factory

Originally released to announce the Sigma Global Vision at Photokina 2012, this artful view into our factory in Aizu, Japan, has been getting a lot of views lately as more and more photographers are discovering how Sigma is revolutionizing the world of photography.

Sigma Founder Michihiro Yamaki Honored With PMDA Lifetime Achievement Award

The Photoimaging Manufacturers and Distributors Association, PMDA, has honored Michihiro Yamaki with the Lifetime Achievement award; an honor he so richly deserves.

Accolades for the Sigma DP2 Merrill

Editorial reviewers and photographers around the globe have been amazed at the exceptional image quality of the Sigma DP2 Merrill.

Here’s a sampling of recent quotes that have caught our eye about this amazing compact camera.

Sigma DP2 Merrill Model Shoot with Robert Lopshire

Photographer Robert Lopshire used the Sigma DP2 Merrill instead of a DSLR for a model shoot, and was amazed at the big-camera image quality of this amazing compact, prime lens camera with the 46 megapixel Merrill Generation Foveon X3 Direct Image Sensor.

The Sigma 18-250mm F3.5-6.3 Macro is Ready for Adventures

When traveling as light as possible while maximizing versatility, an all-in-one zoom lens like the new Sigma 18-250mm F3.5-6.3 is a great choice. This recently redesigned lens is built specifically for DSLRs with the smaller APS-C sensors, and now adds 1:2.9 macro capture for even more flexibility and creativity in an even more compact package than its predecessor.