Check out the winners below, and we hope they encourage you to submit your work for the #SigmaShotAtHome competition which runs through June 26, 2020. Winners are picked every week so don’t miss your chance!
Week 3 – Shot at Home Still Photography
Winner: Ashlee Glen
Title: Sojourning at Nanny’s
Story: When the virus first broke in December, my family and I were living and working in Shanghai, China. Initially, we weren’t too worried about it, but our concern began to mount with repeated shocking stories coming from Wuhan, followed the tightening of restrictions, and then the evacuation of friends who worked for the American consulate. After weighing options and considering a month stay in SE Asia, it became clear that it was time to go.
Since our evacuation, we’ve been living with family while we wait out the pandemic, and waiting for our rented house to become available again. Although it hasn’t been ideal, and the struggle has been truly palpable for the kids, our experience is one of rich family time we would normally have never had, and a feeling of gratitude that I didn’t expect. This photo is of our 8-year-old daughter, Cardin, reading to her 74-year-old paternal grandmother, Nanny (Luann Owens) who helps with the hard words.
Week 3 – Shot at Home Cine

Winner: Marshall Victory
Title: Mano a Mano
Story: A hand-to-hand exchange in a battle for handwashing.
This competition has ended. CLICK HERE to see all winners and honorable mentions.