First Look: SIGMA 105mm F2.8 DG DN MACRO | Art Lens

Sigma’s own macro enthusiast Brett Wells gets up close with the 105mm F2.8 DG DN Macro Art lens exclusively for mirrorless cameras.

Early Impressions: SIGMA 105mm F2.8 DG DN Macro Art Photo Gallery

When the new SIGMA 105mm F2.8 DG DN Macro Art showed up at the office, a few members of our team immediately took the opportunity to test out the lens in the field.

Sunflower Spectacular: Shooting with the SIGMA 28mm F1.4 DG HSM | Art Lens

When Sigma Ambassador Marla Michele Must combines a sunflower field, a beautiful dancer and the Sigma 28mm F1.4 DG HSM Art lens, the results are nothing short of magical!

The SIGMA fp Evolves – Firmware 2.0 for the Cinema Crowd

Graham Sheldon takes us through the latest firmware updates for the Sigma fp.

Live From Studio A: How a College Music Program Upped Its Video Game with Sigma Art Lenses

Hocking College upped their video image quality by switching to the Sigma 18-35mm F1.8 DC HSM and 50-100mm F1.8 DC HSM Art lenses for in-studio capture.

Mirrorless on the Mountain

Sigma Pro Liam Doran talks about his switch to Mirrorless cameras for on-mountain action photography.

Which SIGMA Lenses Fit My Mirrorless Cameras and DSLRs?

Find out which SIGMA lenses are available for which camera systems with native mounts or with adapters.

SIGMA 35mm F1.2 DG DN | Art: Hands-On Report

SIGMA Ambassador Anabel DFlux explores the incredibly sharp, amazingly fast SIGMA 35mm F1.2 DG DN | Art lens through portrait and pet photography.

Toe: Stop Motion Horror with Sigma Art Lenses

An interview with Neal O’Bryan about his stop-motion rendition of “Toe”, the classic American horror tale.

What Do All the Numbers in a Lens Name Mean?

Here’s a helpful guide for the beginner photographer to understand what all the numbers in a lens name mean.