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Liam Doran
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SIGMA Ambassador Liam Doran is an outdoor sports and adventure travel photographer based in Colorado. Liam's work covers all aspects of outdoor mountain life including skiing, biking, trail running, fly fishing as well as travel and lifestyle. His images appear regularly in commercial advertising and in today’s top outdoor magazines including Powder, Outside, Ski, Skiing, Trail Runner, Mountain Magazine and more.

First Look: SIGMA 150-600mm F5-6.3 DG DN OS Sports Lens

The 150-600mm DG DN OS Sports is SIGMA’s first ultra-telephoto, full-frame zoom lens for mirrorless cameras, and its epic adventure begins with a trip to the Colorado backcountry with outdoor photographer Liam Doran.

Exploring the L-Mount Alliance with SIGMA Lenses and Leica SL2 Camera

SIGMA Ambassador Liam Doran recently toured the dry, dusty Great Sand Dunes National Park, accompanied with a grab bag of L-Mount Alliance gear… the Leica SL2 camera and a selection of full-frame SIGMA lenses.

When the Open Road Calls: A Desert Adventure with the SIGMA fp L

Outdoor photographer and SIGMA Ambassador Liam Doran toured the Utah desert with the 61-megapixel SIGMA fp L, a selection of L-mount lenses, and a passion for capturing breathtaking landscape photos!

First Look: SIGMA 24mm F3.5 DG DN | Contemporary Lens

Capturing epic wide-angle shots doesn’t mean you need to carry a big lens. SIGMA Ambassador Liam Doran took the extremely compact 24mm F3.5 DG DN | Contemporary lens out in the field, and came home with some wide-angle landscape and action photos showing that this I series lens can punch well above its weight class.

One-Lens Hiking Adventure with the SIGMA 24-70mm F2.8 DG DN | Art

Outdoor hotographer Liam Doran went on a hiking adventure in the Colorado backcountry, with just a single lens — our 24-70mm F2.8 DG DN Art — to capture the entire journey!

Photographing a Family Adventure in the Grand Canyon with SIGMA DG DN Lenses

Join Sigma Ambassador Liam Doran as he treks through the Grand Canyon and rides down the Colorado River with his family on this unique photographic adventure!

Mirrorless on the Mountain

Sigma Pro Liam Doran talks about his switch to Mirrorless cameras for on-mountain action photography.

Elk of the Rockies with the Sigma 150-600mm Sports

Sigma Pro Liam Doran captures Elk during the rut high in the Rocky Mountains with the Sigma 150-600mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM | Sports lens.

Stretch Your Creative Vision with Panoramas: A Beginner’s Guide to Your First Attempts

Sigma Pro Liam Doran offers pointers for amazing panorama photo captures.

Bermuda Mountain Biking

A variety of Sigma zoom lenses helped Sigma Pro Liam Doran share the spirit of adventure of the Bermuda Mountain Biking Scene for Freehub magazine.