Video Quicktips for Photographers

Our new video quicktips for photographers series offers advice for anyone who is looking to understand more about the techniques and technology that can help them make better pictures. Each episode is just a few minutes long and looks to explain and offer advice in an easy-to-grasp way. Check back all month long as we add new episodes to this series.

The Sigma 18-35mm F1.8 DC HSM | Art for Videographers

Photographers and videographers have been raving about the world’s first constant aperture F1.8 zoom lens, the Sigma 18-35mm F1.8 DC HSM | Art lens since it was originally announced earlier this year, for both its groundbreaking maximum aperture, and its incredible prime-like performance, even wide open at an amazing price. It rocked the charts on DXOMark, besting top-shelf primes at comparable focal lengths, been recognized with a POP Award from, and a Gold award from DPReview, among other accolades.

SIGMA Optimization Pro and USB Dock: Screencast Demo

The Sigma USB Dock paired with Sigma Optimization Pro software brings lens customization to an entirely new level. Photographers can now personally update the firmware of Sigma’s new Global Vision lenses and make performance enhancements including multi-zone microfocus adjustments of +/-20 from the factory default settings.

Sigma DP2 Merrill Model Shoot with Robert Lopshire

Photographer Robert Lopshire used the Sigma DP2 Merrill instead of a DSLR for a model shoot, and was amazed at the big-camera image quality of this amazing compact, prime lens camera with the 46 megapixel Merrill Generation Foveon X3 Direct Image Sensor.

A Tale of Two Time Lapse Videos

Here’s the takeaway in one sentence: Sigma Ultrawide zoom lenses and Dynamic Perception’s Stage Zero Dolly kit are a potent combination for making killer time lapse videos, whatever your visions happen to be.