Explore the Philadelphia Flower Show with SIGMA Ambassador Heather Larkin!
The PHS Philadelphia Flower Show is a stunning and educational look at the world of floral design and gardening. Annually, the event features breathtaking displays by the world’s premier floral and landscape designers. United by Flowers is a celebration of the community that blooms each Spring at the annual PHS Philadelphia Flower Show – a moment when hundreds of thousands from the region, East Coast, and the world share in a week-long magnification of the transformative power of gardening. In this fragmented world of consistently changing landscapes, everyone who participates – from exhibitors and competitors to artisans and guests – brings their passion and enthusiasm to the Pennsylvania Convention Center to co-create this unique event that proudly puts this vibrant and colorful collective on display.
Tips for Photographing Flowers with SIGMA
Friday, March 1 | 6:30 – 8:30PM ET
Heather will share tips and tricks on macro photography. Learn about easy ways to get better closeup photos with a macro lens. This class will cover macro photography composition, gear options, shutter speed, and aperture for close-up photos, plus macro photography composition, subject framing, and techniques for getting good focus in your flower photos.

SIGMA Classes at the Flower Show
Saturday, March 2 | Booth
Join SIGMA Ambassador Heather Larkin for an Early Morning Photography Tour!
Starting at 8:00AM, you’ll get the chance to see the Flower Show before the crowds arrive! Tickets are available here.
Early Morning Tours are the best way to see the Flower Show – sharing two hours on the Show floor with an experienced tour guide ahead of general public hours!

11:00AM | Booth Demo: Macro Flowers and More
SIGMA Ambassador Heather Larkin will share quick tips on macro photography, then lead a short macro photography walk through the flower show to practice your new skills. Learn about easy ways to get better closeup photos with a macro lens.

2:00PM | Booth Demo: Which Macro Lens Should You Buy?
Macro lenses… How do you pick the right one; 50mm, 70mm 105mm, 150mm, what’s the difference? Heather Larkin will explain the uses and differences between different macro lenses so you can know which one is best for your flower photos, then lead a short walk through the flower show to practice.

4:30-6:00PM | Flower Walk: Flower Portraits with Long Lenses
Bring your cameras and walk the show floor with Heather Larkin. Learn about easy ways to get better closeup photos with a longer lens. You’ll have an opportunity to test SIGMA loaner gear and watch Heather as she shares how to make ‘flower portraits’. This longer walk will cover things like shutter speed and aperture, plus flower photography composition, subject framing, and paying attention to the background color.

Sunday, March 3 | Booth
Join SIGMA Ambassador Heather Larkin for an Early Morning Photography Tour!
Starting at 8:00AM, you’ll get the chance to see the Flower Show before the crowds arrive! Tickets are available here.
Early Morning Tours are the best way to see the Flower Show – sharing two hours on the Show floor with an experienced tour guide ahead of general public hours!

11:00AM | Booth Demo: Flower Photo with Dewdrops with SIGMA
Watch Heather in real-time as she demonstrates how easy it is to take a simple cut flower or succulent arrangement and make artistic photos with just a macro lens and a spray bottle. You’ll see her photos on a screen as she’s taking them and listen to her talk about what she looks for in a good photo, then go for a short walk through the flower show to try it for yourself!

2:00PM | Booth Demo: Flower Portraits with Long Lenses
Flower pictures with a telephoto lens?? Watch Heather as she shares how to make ‘flower portraits’ with a longer lens instead of a macro, then go for a short walk through the show to try it for yourself.

4:30-6:00PM | Flower Walk: Macro In-Depth Flower Walk
Bring your cameras and walk the show floor with Heather Larkin. Heather will share tips and tricks on macro photography in this walk through of the flower show. Learn about how to use a macro lens, depth of field, and composition for best flower close-ups.

About SIGMA Ambassador Heather Larkin
Heather Larkin is a SIGMA America Ambassador and portrait photographer located in Athens near Atlanta, Georgia. Heather has been shooting professionally since 2003. She is internationally known for creating colorful, authentic images for clients around the world. Her business, Fairyography, has been featured on The Today Show, SIGMA America, Professional Photographer Magazine, Canon Cameras, Clickin Moms, Scary Mommy, Online Athens, Southern Distinction Magazine, and more.
Heather’s Website: fairyography.com
Facebook: Fairyography
Instagram: @fairyography