Photographer, and Sigma Technical Representative Mike Hill, has mastered the art of visual storytelling. He uses his camera to take the viewer into a different world through his strong series of photographs. He says you should “build interest about your story with strong opening images that evoke curiosity.” In this series, he shoots everything with Sigma glass, and the beautiful pictures speak for themselves.

Presentation & Hands-on Shooting
In these pictures, he’s teaching a Sigma Lens Workshop about Visual Storytelling which starts off as a presentation at B&C Camera. He has the perfect mix of technical aspects along with humor to keep the crowd engaged.

Now For Some Fun
Next is the fun part, hands-on shooting! In these workshops, Sigma has FREE lens loaners in Canon, Nikon, and Sony mounts for attendees to use.
This Las Vegas based artist, Stephanie Rios, worked on an oil painting and a Linocut print as photographers captured the action with Sigma prime lenses.

Don’t Interrupt the Moment
When telling a visual story, you don’t want to interrupt the moment. Stay there quietly and snap away. Mike’s advice is to show as much info as possible.

Use Depth of Field to Tell Your Story
For this series, Mike shot wide open to get a shallow depth of field. This keeps the viewer focused on the important details and the beautiful bokeh gently blurs out the rest.

Find Your Subject’s Passion
This shot shows Stephanie’s passion for painting and the work she likes to create. Mike says, “allow your subject to engage in what they love to do and they will become less aware of the camera.”

Get Unique Angles
Show some details and different vantage points. This unique angle shows the artist at work and the tools she uses to create her work.

Mike Hill’s Visual Story Telling Sigma Lens Workshop is a class you won’t forget. Not only is he an amazing photographer, but he has a funny way of explaining everything that stands out from your typical educator. You’ll learn to notice what others are passionate about how to capture that passion in photographs…and shooting with Sigma lenses doesn’t hurt.
These images were shot with:
To see Mike’s work check out his website and find him on IG @mikehillphoto.
To see Stephanie’s work check out her IG @kkruleart.