Thank you, Sigma community! We appreciate your participating in our sweepstakes. Your words have, empowered, engaged and inspired us. We asked you to tell us more about you and your photography. We are overwhelmed by your responses! They were thoughtful, honest, insightful, and relevant. Most importantly, whether you felt we did something well or pointed out an area for improvement, you have a true understanding of what Sigma strives to deliver the photographic community.
This is what you told us:
• You love photography. Of course, we already knew how dedicated you were to photography but we heard how it drives you and lives within you. “Taking pictures makes me happy no matter what kind I am taking.” And “Photography is my passion and I absolutely love it.” You are artists, professionals, hobbyists and enthusiasts, mothers, fathers, students and amateurs. You experiment, take risks; you play it safe until something challenges you and then you push the limits, but at the end of it all, is capturing a tangible expression of what you see, what you want to express, what you want to preserve be it a memory, a moment in time, an emotion or a state of mind.
• Your equipment is vitally important to you. You’re inspired by the products themselves; they can be what pushes to you take risks, extend your base of knowledge and experimentation and even your physical abilities; asking your body to do things it either hasn’t done in a while, or ever! Bravo!
• You want to learn more about photographic technique from us. Some asked for instruction for hobbyists, for studio photography, lighting and more hands on opportunities to learn. We hear you and will work to share tips, guide you, and provide more instruction from the Sigma pros.
• Sigma wide angle lenses have you hooked and you want more. Sigma pioneered the wide angle lens and we can promise that we will continue to push the envelope in this category. Some of you even shared that you preferred our wide angles to those of our competitors. That’s our secret… we won’t tell!
• To SD camera users and fans of the Foveon sensor; we heard you, loud and clear, that you want a full frame DSLR with Foveon technology. We want that too. We’re excited to know that so many embrace the Foveon technology and appreciate and acknowledge the deep, rich colors that it brings to end result photos.
• You understanding of the goal of the DP series cameras and you know that the process of perfecting it is just that, a process; but you’re on board with it; you get it. You see the big picture; high quality images in a compact camera and are traveling the road with us. Sure, you’d like to see further enhancements, but you’re there with us.
• You would like to Sigma to: make more accessories, include features for HDR, panoramic shots, video and 3-D capabilities, more fast lenses, a mirror less Foveon camera with interchangeable lenses, better lens hood design and sturdier, sleeker camera styles. We’ll send these requests along.
• Free Gifts! For those of you who want us to send Sigma products for your birthday or for no reason at all, just so that you can take extraordinary pictures, we are flattered and wish we could. Really, we do.
• Music to our ears, “Keep making the affordable and high quality products that Sigma is known for.” John, we will do just that because that is the basis for everything we do. We will continue to deliver those affordable, high quality products to people of all ages and all skill, income and knowledge levels.
Thank you to all who have shared the thoughts and ideas. We are grateful! However…
Our appetites are large. We haven’t heard enough! Tell us more. There’s still time to enter the Empower, Engage and Inspire Sweepstakes until Monday, September 20th and win a DP1s or a DP2s. Tell us what you think, want, wish for. Sigma is here, open and most definitely, listening!!
Just want to let you know that the passion I have generated with my Sigma cameras has boiled over into a seven day exhibition here in Wodonga, Australia, of my environmental studies. The enthusiasm generated by my work on display enabled me to promote Sigma equipment in a very positive way. Exhibition finished last night (Oct 19) and already planning one for Melbourne in the new year.
I will have some exhibition photos up at my portfolio site soon.
Video & 3-D? NO THANKS! I’m, a STILL Photographer. If you want to put those in an additional model for those that want them, fine . . . but I’d prefer that keep a ‘still photography only’ model for those of us who don’t want and won’t use video or 3-D—much less want to pay for them!
Keep making tools with no futile featurs, but dedicated to IQ and photography. To me Video in a dslr is not important. If all the things that are important for taking perfect Photos work perfectly, ok then think about video.
What I would really find useful is a level gauge displayed in the viewfinder, and maybe Liveview for studio work.
And please make a very good wide angle prime, and make it for full frame. I wont buy any dc lenses anymore at this time, no matter how good they might be. they have to be ff and hsm.
Thanks for the response.
I love the sigma cameras, and I love to see take sigma the way it is taking at the moment. You really make me feel like your doing something for me, and that I have someting in common with sigma.
I’m a long-time photographer, but I’m new to the Sigma fold. I’m very stoked about the SD1, and can’t wait to get my copy of it! Please, just keep it affordable so I CAN purchase it! If the SD1 operates as advertised, and performs as expected, you will have won yourselves another convert! Make it good, make it quality, make it reliable, and make it affordable! Don’t release it until you have achieved those all-important elements! Good luck with your new camera, that could well set the photographic world on its ear!
Michael Cline
I do lots of wild life photography and consequently am usually shooting in low light. I continually get green tint coloring thrown in on my pictures. What am I doing wrong? How do I get rid of it? I use primarily the 120 – 300mm f/2.8 lens with a 1.4 extender.
Also, will the new 4.1 Photo Pro program accompanying the SD15 work with the SD14? If so how do I get it?
I down loaded 4.2 Photo Pro last night and what a GREAT IMPROVEMENT on ELIMINATING green noise. CONGRATS to the enginering dept on improving the greatest complaint I’ve had about Sigma cameras. You’ve still got a ways to go but you’ve taken a GIANT STEP forward for Sigma camera owners. Keep at it. TOP MANAGEMENT give them what ever funding they require to eliminate this green noise curse.
Hope this program works on ISO 100 & 200. Thought I read it was only for 400 and up. Hope I read incorrectly.
Sigma Marketing: Admit that green noise is a problem and send out the word to the Sigma Camera owners. They’ll love you for it and continue to by your Cameras. Put the improvement up as a lead item on your web page so it is one of the first thing Sigma owners see. I’ve owned Sigma for about 6 years and discovered the 4.2 almost by accident after thumbing thru many different sections. Also had to delete some cool pics over the weekend because of the curse that 4.2 could have saved.
Hello Sigma,
Thank you for taking the time to read this email.
I ‘was’ basically a video guy using Sony cameras in DVCAM, mini DV etc.
However, IO switched over to using the new technology in the DSLR, such as the Nikon D90 and Canon D7. My friends use the Nikon D90 for stills using the Sigma 150mm to 500mm. I prefer to video (and occasionally take stills) on my Canon D7.
I use the Sigma 150mm / 500mm for surfing..; my favorite subject to video. The surfer I video are usually very far from where I am filming. I have been using different combination of Sigma lens and converters. I may have ‘hit’ on a powerful combination of lens.
The main reason for this email is to find out if a technician at Sigma could evaluate the footage I have filmed. I am asking this because I need YOUR advice on my combination of lens and the clarity of the riders from distances of (approximately) up to one mile.
We use a large screen monitor connected to my laptop with the SD chip I slipped inside.
Using this large screen monitor really makes the video look great (due to the Sigma lens).
BUT getting a feedback from a Sigma technician would be very helpful.
I am the executive director of a non profit organization teaching youths still and video photography. So getting expert feedback will go a long way in helping the youths I instruct create their best photographs possible.
Hi Robert, thanks for the note! Can you send me a link to the video clips at so we can take a look? Jack